Woman in the laboratory in front of PTB's Primary Power Standard

Final workshop marking 10 years of successful work in the Mongolian energy sector

Following 10 years of successful and valuable cooperation with our Mongolian partners, our BMZ-funded project Support to Mongolia’s Quality Infrastructure with Particular Regard to the Energy Sector came to an end on 31 August 2023. To mark the occasion, we jointly organized a virtual wrap-up event entitled Insight into PTB Laboratories and we were very…

A conference room. Three flags are visible in the background.

WTO meets with PTB and BMZ: Trade, standards and technical regulations

The World Trade Organization (WTO) visited the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). PTB and the Trade Department of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) invited various stakeholders from industry, politics and civil society to Berlin on 6 July 2023 for a presentation and discussion…

Two men and three women are standing next to a statue. The statue is of Werner von Siemens.

Cooperation bears fruit: Mongolian delegation visits Germany

Staff members of the Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST) and the Ministry of Energy (MoE) visited Germany from 12-16 June during a delegation trip within the scope of the BMZ-funded project with Mongolia titled “Improving quality infrastructure in the energy sector”. One component of the project, which ended in August, focused on raising…

Illustration of a simple ventilation device

Strengthening the Metrology Infrastructure to Support Medical Testing Equipment

Between 2020 and 2022, PTB’s International Cooperation group supported a project of the Inter-American Metrology System, or SIM (for Sistema Interamericana de Metrologia in Spanish), aimed at improving the basic metrology infrastructure for medical testing equipment. This project was a direct response to the scarcity of breathing apparatus for COVID-19 patients in many Latin American…

Four women and two men are standing in front of a poster which reads “60 years of technical cooperation”.

Two Rounds of Thank Yous

PTB at the 2023 Open House at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in Berlin The BMZ in Berlin opened its doors to interested visitors on 19 and 20 August 2023. The event, which took place on a summer day, attracted several thousand people who were able to learn about the ministry’s…

Abstract background. Futuristic earth map technology.

New User Guide for the QI Rapid Diagnostic Toolkit

Back in 2019, PTB released the Quality Infrastructure (QI) diagnostic and reform toolkit in cooperation with the World Bank Group. It consists of several elements, but the Rapid Diagnostic Tool (RDT) has proven to be the most popular. Since the beginning of this year, a practical User Guide has been available with tips on effectively…

A woman and two men are standing behind a table. The woman and one man each hold an open folder with a document towards the camera.

National Quality Infrastructure Festival in Indonesia

From 14 – 16 June 2023, the central QI institutions of Indonesia organized a memorable festival titled Synergy of Metrology, Standards and Accreditation for Increasing Indonesia’s Competitiveness. This marked the first time since the incorporation of the National Metrology Institute (SNSU-BSN) under the umbrella of the National Standardization Agency of Indonesia (BSN) in 2018 that…

Eine Illustration mit der Überschrift Conformity Assessment, auf der ein Buch, ein stilisiertes Labor und ein Mann und eine Frau zu sehen sind.

Central Asia: A comprehensive programme with an excellent offer

In April of this year, a seminar on organizing and carrying out comparison measurements for calibration and testing laboratories took place in Astana, Kazakhstan. The group of participants was mixed, leading to a broad and complementing range of capabilities and knowledge of the representatives of the national metrology institutes, accreditation bodies, proficiency test providers and…

A statue of the goddess Justitia holds a pair of scales.

Quality Infrastructure and Good Governance

The term “good governance” is often understood as conducting the public affairs of a country responsibly. Good governance is a key element of Germany’s development cooperation policy. Its goal is to make sure that a government uses its political power responsibly and handles public resources with care. Good governance implies that the state assumes a…