Eine Illustration mit der Überschrift Conformity Assessment, auf der ein Buch, ein stilisiertes Labor und ein Mann und eine Frau zu sehen sind.

Central Asia: A comprehensive programme with an excellent offer

In April of this year, a seminar on organizing and carrying out comparison measurements for calibration and testing laboratories took place in Astana, Kazakhstan. The group of participants was mixed, leading to a broad and complementing range of capabilities and knowledge of the representatives of the national metrology institutes, accreditation bodies, proficiency test providers and…

A statue of the goddess Justitia holds a pair of scales.

Quality Infrastructure and Good Governance

The term “good governance” is often understood as conducting the public affairs of a country responsibly. Good governance is a key element of Germany’s development cooperation policy. Its goal is to make sure that a government uses its political power responsibly and handles public resources with care. Good governance implies that the state assumes a…