Two men are standing in front of a mural and holding up a framed painting together.

QI for PV: Vietnamese delegation visits Germany and Switzerland

PTB, in partnership with the Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) and the Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality (STAMEQ) in Viet Nam, is implementing a bilateral, BMZ-funded project called “Promotion of Quality Assurance Services for Sustainable Energy” in Viet Nam from 2022 to 2025. The project aims to enhance the quality infrastructure (QI) services…

Many stacked hands.

Now available in French: The NAFP guide has been updated!

The PTB guide on National Accreditation Focal Points (NAFP), which was first published in 2015, was recently updated and is now available in its newest version in our collection of publications. Also, it is now available in French for the first time. This publication describes the NAFP concept which was developed by PTB and associated…

A screen depicting various people.

Navigating the Digital Transformation: Insights from the Kick-Off Workshop on digital metrology and accreditation

On October 25, an engaging digitalization kick-off workshop brought together colleagues from national metrology institutes and national accreditation bodies from the Eastern Partnership countries, including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine. Moreover, other colleagues from Asia, participating in the ADAPT project, joined the workshop as eager listeners. This virtual gathering aimed to facilitate the exchange…

Photograph of a computer screen.

The digital accreditation process has been established in Tunisia. Congratulations!

The Tunisian Accreditation Council (TUNAC) has recently started to digitalize its administration system as well as its accreditation processes and has set up a central database for this purpose. TUNAC is carrying out these activities to be able to react to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17011 towards accreditation bodies and the accreditation process as well as…