Our long-standing partner in Brazil, the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro), turned 50 in 2023. PTB has paid tribute to all those who contributed to the development of the cooperation between Brazil and Germany, and it has acknowledged their work with a video message. This video also traces the history of cooperation between the two countries through testimonies. Watch the video or continue reading to learn more!
Brazil and Germany began cooperating in the field of metrology in 1967. This was when Brazil started taking its first steps towards the consolidation of the National Institute of Weights and Measures (INPM), which six years later led to the founding of Inmetro in 1973. From the conception and construction of a metrological campus in Xerém, to the acquisition of the first measuring equipment, and to the training of Brazilian scientists, PTB has accompanied Inmetro in its growth and development during the last five decades. We can proudly say that the Inmetro staff who trained at PTB went on to become pioneers and multipliers of knowledge and innovation not only in Brazil, but also in Latin America and the Caribbean.

To ensure high-quality products for consumers, Inmetro has focused on developing mechanisms to enhance the quality of products and services. Through the resulting quality infrastructure services, Inmetro has helped boost the presence of national companies in the international market, contributing significantly to Brazil’s economic growth.
Currently, Inmetro and PTB continue to work together on renewable energy and energy efficiency for sustainable development. The main objectives include expanding Inmetro’s range of services for wind and solar technologies, as well as modernizing the national energy efficiency labeling program (Programa Brasileiro de Etiquetagem). Besides the technical cooperation, PTB and Inmetro scientists are also sharing research work and jointly developing new measuring methods and procedures. The commitment to continue working together was ratified by the renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding in December 2023 in Berlin, as pictured above.

Today, after five decades of joint learning, PTB congratulates Inmetro on its 50th anniversary and on the great work it has accomplished. We also wish to continue strengthening the ties of cooperation and joint work between the two institutions. The video message will be part of an exhibition in the Inmetro museum.
Cover Image © Inmetro