Graphics showing a city making use of renewable energies.

Let’s talk – boosting the green economy through quality infrastructure

The transition towards a green economy has become an urgent need both in the industrialized world as well as in developing and emerging countries. It implies the accelerated diffusion of various green technologies, which in turn generates opportunities for domestic value creation in terms of learning, the localization of supply chains, and employment. A pre-condition…

Quality Infrastructure and Climate Change in Sub-Saharan Africa

PTB published a study about the role of quality infrastructure for climate change in Sub-Saharan Africa. The study analyzes the contribution and significance of quality infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa for both climate change mitigation and adaptation to climate change. At the same time, the study analyses the potentials, opportunities and chances in different sectors. You…

Qi and Peace | QI in Least Developed Countries

Qualitätsinfrastruktur and Peace PTB’s projects supporting quality infrastructure are often carried out in countries and regions that are characterized by their high instability and by open conflicts. PTB’s support of QI in these partner countries can indirectly influence the stability of the project regions concerned. If you want to learn more about the ways we…