The brand-new website of the Q.3 evaluation unit is online. Visitors will find not only all the information they need on evaluations conducted by PTB’s international cooperation group, but also a separate database including an interactive world map. The website can be used to download various documents on projects and contains data dating back to 2010. You can access the website here.
Within the scope of its mission, PTB, via Group Q.3 (International Cooperation), supports the harmonization of international metrology as well as the establishment and expansion of an effective quality infrastructure in developing and emerging countries. Most Q.3 projects are carried out on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), while some have other sponsoring authorities such as the European Union.
These projects are evaluated by external experts and the evaluation results are published in a database on the website. Such an evaluation serves both as a learning experience on the services provided and as a source of transparency for the sponsoring authority and the general public.
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