For the past decade, the International Cooperation group of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) has played a pivotal role in enhancing quality infrastructure (QI) for photovoltaics (PV) through bilateral cooperation projects with various countries, financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The time has come to recognize that partners can learn immensely not only from international and national experts, but also from each other through peer-to-peer support. Furthermore, digital tools can facilitate sharing information and experience across countries and continents. Over the past five months, representatives from partner institutions from India, Indonesia, Morocco, Senegal, Tunisia, Vietnam, and Eastern Partnership countries have engaged in dynamic discussions on metrology, testing services, standardization, and the interconnected system of quality assurance services during the first round of Quality Infrastructure for Photovoltaics (QI4PV) Global Exchange online events (for a previous article, see Global Exchange on QI for Photovoltaics), for which almost 200 participants registered. It will conclude on 24 July with a session on the end-of-life management of PV modules (see website below to register).
In this unique approach PTB piloted various digitally supported exchange formats and bring the partners into contact with each other in order to valorize their experiences. The exchange featured five sessions where representatives from each partner country shared their experiences and developments in their respective services. It was inspiring to witness the depth of expertise within the partner countries and the willingness of PTBs network partners to share their knowledge with their colleagues across the globe. Specific issues from individual countries were explored in peer-to-peer consultations and subregional expert groups. The QI4PV organization team is delighted that individuals have taken the initiative to deepen discussions with their peers and have allowed PTB to facilitate matchmaking.

Through an e-learning platform it was possible to conduct presentations and share relevant publications, along with Q&A contributions and the contact information of speakers and the registered participants. Although this asynchronous collaboration style is new to many, it has already shown that it fosters a sustainable and transparent compendium of materials and a contact list which can be accessed worldwide.
Our conclusion as organization team is that this global, partner-driven learning and exchange network represents an exciting and complementary new modality for development cooperation. There are many more PV-related topics to discuss and information to share on topics such as quality criteria in tenders and financing schemes, guidelines for installers, the role of sector associations, checklists and field testing for PV system inspection and maintenance, quality assurance for PV performance data, or the involvement of women in quality assurance for PV. There will be a participant survey after the final session to assess whether or not our partners agree with us on these points. Those interested in attending the last session on 24 July or future rounds can register here to receive automatic updates on QI4PV developments: Registration QI for PV Global Exchange
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