The Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) has developed the Calidena method to improve quality within value chains and within national quality infrastructures (NQI) to create a business-friendly environment. This method can be used within the scope of international projects. Its main objective is to ensure that the NQI takes its users and their needs into account and to be applied to value chain initiatives that seek to address gaps in quality services.
For this purpose, PTB organized an online course to train a French-speaking group of Calidena facilitators. This measure was divided into 5 sessions of 3 hours each on 7-9 and 15‑16 September 2021. This training measure was facilitated by Katharina Telfser and Dr Ulrich Harmes-Liedtke, two Calidena experts.

This measure for training facilitators aimed to implement the key lessons of the Calidena kick-off workshop and to reflect on our own perception of the method in order to apply it both on site and virtually. The beneficiaries of this training measure were local PTB project consultants and coordinators who are planning to work at the crossroads of the value chains and the quality infrastructure. A total of thirteen participants from Morocco, Tunisia, Benin, Senegal, Germany and France took part in the training.
The training was organized according to a participatory and implicative approach by means of interactive learning sessions based on collaboration and involving practical cases, reflection, exchanges and discussions.
The main activities focused on identifying markets, buyers, quality requirements and important quality-related topics as well as quality deficits. They also included taking stock of standards and technical regulations. Last but not least, the importance of sharing experience (visiting laboratories and companies) was underlined. The role of a Calidena facilitator was also addressed as well as the specificity of an online or hybrid Calidena process. The participants were also shown how the Calidena method can be applied to a circular supply chain. The example of the Calidena process conducted in Benin was used as an illustration for the participants. Finally, an action plan of the French-speaking Calidena facilitator group was developed.
Since this training activity took place in the form of a videoconference, virtual means and tools were required to successfully complete it. Towards the end of the training session, the participants familiarized themselves with the key approaches and notions of the Calidena method as well as with the concepts of value chains and circular supply chains. The group of French-speaking Calidena facilitators received training, and several post-training activities were identified.
The group will hold a presentation for the PTB coordinators to emphasize the added value of the process and the application possibilities of the Calidena method in projects. Semiannual or annual meetings are envisaged by the team to exchange, coordinate and follow up on Calidena-related activities.
Image © PTB / Ralf Bäcker