Svenja Schulze, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, visited PTB’s stand.

Open Day in Bonn

On 18 June 2022, more than 5000 visitors took up the invitation of the German Federal President, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the City of Bonn and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) by coming to an open day in Bonn. The special setting of the park that surrounds the Chancellor’s Bungalow, Villa Hammerschmidt, Palais…

(f.l.t.r.) Ulysse Ateba Ngoa (PEI), Helge Senkpiel (PTB), Dr. Jean Fidèle Bationo (AUDA NEDAP), Ndeye Magatte Diao (LNCM Senegal) are standing in front of the Paul-Ehrlich Institut.

Vac­cine Pro­duc­tion: Strength­en­ing Qual­i­ty In­fras­truc­ture in African Coun­tries

Regulatory experts from Ghana, Rwanda, Senegal and South Africa and representatives from regional harmonisation initiatives visit the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut At a four-day meeting at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, representatives of the regulatory authorities in Ghana (Food and Drugs Authority, FDA), Rwanda (Food and Drugs Authority, FDA), South Africa (South African Health Products Regulatory Authority, SAHPRA) and Senegal (Agence sénégalaise de Réglementation…

Lush forest in the Caribbean

Regional Conference: Quality Infrastructure for Biodiversity and Climate Protection in Latin America and the Caribbean

May 19, 2022. Today, the National Metrology Institute of Germany (PTB) is launching the Regional Conference: Quality Infrastructure for Biodiversity and Climate Protection in Latin America and the Caribbean in close coordination with the Organization of American States (OAS), the Pan American Commission for Technical Standards (COPANT), the Inter-American Accreditation Cooperation (IAAC) and the Inter-American…

Offshore wind turbine with the label Hydrogen Power

Green Hydrogen – a colorless gas with potential.

Interdisciplinary collaboration between different sectors and nations The significant reduction of carbon dioxide emissions on our planet by 2050 is an important climate goal of countries worldwide. At the same time, a significant increase in fuel consumption is expected in emerging countries such as India in the coming years. In order to do justice to…

German Federal Minister Svenja Schulze with representatives of African countries in front of the so-called BioNTainer.

Mobile containers for local COVID-19 vaccine production in Africa

Expanding production capacities for vaccines is an important instrument to prevent and fight global pandemics. New approaches aimed toward finding solutions for local vaccine production are being provided by BioNTech through modular containers called “BioNTainer”. With this invention – the name being a cross between container and the company name BioNTech – COVID-19 vaccines will…

View of the display of a camera showing a woman in a laboratory.

Virtuality training of trainers to pilot virtual hands-on laboratory training

Through what virtual formats can hands-on laboratory training be conducted when the on-site presence of all participants and the trainer is not possible? This question was already addressed by the PTB Capacity Development working group at an exchange of experience in February 2021. As a fruitful outcome of this event, the Virtual Hands-on Laboratory Training…

A woman in a white lab coat looks at the tablet in her hand. She is standing in front of a shelf with numerous medications.

Ghanaian delegation visits PTB virtually to discuss local vaccine production in Ghana

The promotion of drug and vaccine manufacturing, strengthening the regulatory framework or the harmonization of standards and their implementation — the intervention areas of quality infrastructure in the pharmaceutical sector in Africa are manifold. The need for efforts in these areas is greater than ever, especially in the current situation: The COVID-19 pandemic has shown…

Christmas tree in front of the PTB site in Braunschweig

2021: Another extraordinary year comes to an end

The increasing availability of Covid-19 vaccines was an encouraging breakthrough in 2021 that turned a lot of things around. However, the pandemic is not over, and many of the challenges we encountered in 2020 remained. With a few exceptions, most of PTB’s International Cooperation activities therefore still took place in a virtual setting, and working…

Farewell: A decade with Serbia

“It is a strange feeling to say goodbye to partners during a video conference after 10 years of cooperation,” says Stefan Wallerath, project coordinator for cooperation with the countries of South-East Europe. PTB’s involvement with the region, which was marked by the conflicts of the 1990s, began back in 2006. Serbia, as the largest economy…