A world map showing parts of the American, European, and the African continents. Also, two logos are pictured below.

Towards an Integrated Global Index for Quality Infrastructure in Support of Sustainable Development

Vienna, Austria, 16-17 April 2024 – Quality infrastructure (QI) plays a vital role in sustainable development as it drives economic growth, fosters social inclusion, enhances environmental resilience, and ensures long-term prosperity for present and future generations. Being able to measure the state of QI and its contribution to sustainable development helps developing economies to shape…

Two smiling ladies shaking hands and showing certificates

PTB Eastern Partnership Project Boosts Moldova’s Trade Prospects with EU

In a bid to enhance Moldova’s industrial landscape and align it with European standards, the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Eastern Partnership Project (EaP) organized impactful training sessions in Chisinau on January 15th and 17th. The initiative, spanning five countries including Moldova, aims to bolster the quality infrastructure (QI), support digitalization, and contribute to a sustainable, green…

Various hoisted flags of southern African countries lined-up.

Congratulations: SADCA obtains its international recognition

Congratulations are in order for our partners in Southern Africa. On 23 March 2023, the Southern African Development Community Cooperation in Accreditation Mutual Recognition Arrangement (SADCA MRA) was accepted as a recognized Regional Accreditation Cooperation. This official recognition was given by the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) MRA for the accreditation of calibration and testing…

Uzbekistan: National Institute of Metrology accredited

The calibration laboratory of the Uzbek National Institute of Metrology, UzNIM for the calibration of the measurands mass, pressure and temperature has been accredited according to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 by the Turkish Accreditation Agency, TÜRKAK. PTB, together with its experts in the project ‘Strengthening Quality Infrastructure in the Countries of Central Asia’, supported…

PTB swings into high gear

Emergency aid to COVID-19 testing facilities in the Palestinian territories A call for help from the Ministry of Health of the Palestinian National Authority reached PTB at the end of March: Laboratory analytics to test for coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 are lacking. In the project called “Supporting the national quality infrastructure” which has been implemented in the…

Mauritania: On target for accreditation together with PTB

Mauritania has approximately 4.42 million inhabitants and a surface area of 1,030,700 km², making it almost three times larger than Germany. Being a transit country between West Africa and the Maghreb, Mauritania plays a special role in German Development Cooperation. Recently, the German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Dr. Gerd Müller, underlined in…

Anniversary: Ten years of regional cooperation in the Western Balkans

We have a reason to celebrate: In May 2016, PTB successfully completed a regional project with the metrology institutes and accreditation bodies of the Western Balkans. The institutes are located in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. Motivation and starting point for the regional cooperation was the low level of development and…