Pictorial representation of a certificate that is only available in digital format. Text: DCC (digital calibration certificate). It contains text boxes with the following designations: Administrative Data Result Comment Configuration File Data Sheet Raw Data

Goodbye paper, welcome digital calibration certificates!

Today, we are announcing the release of a video on the digital calibration certificate (DCC). This film is intended to highlight the transition from conventional calibration certificates to digital calibration certificates (DCCs) in various sectors. As you watch this entertaining and informative video, you will see the advantages of introducing DCCs into our work processes.…

Uzbekistan: National Institute of Metrology accredited

The calibration laboratory of the Uzbek National Institute of Metrology, UzNIM for the calibration of the measurands mass, pressure and temperature has been accredited according to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 by the Turkish Accreditation Agency, TÜRKAK. PTB, together with its experts in the project ‘Strengthening Quality Infrastructure in the Countries of Central Asia’, supported…

White data streams on a dark blue ground.

Calibration becomes digital!

The digital transformation of our society, economy as well as our everyday life is happening at an incredible speed and does not stop at metrology. Around 200 participants from more than 50 National Metrology Institutes from all over the world are participating in the online workshop Metrology 4 Digital Transformation, organized by PTB’s International Cooperation,…