(f.l.t.r.) Ulysse Ateba Ngoa (PEI), Helge Senkpiel (PTB), Dr. Jean Fidèle Bationo (AUDA NEDAP), Ndeye Magatte Diao (LNCM Senegal) are standing in front of the Paul-Ehrlich Institut.

Vac­cine Pro­duc­tion: Strength­en­ing Qual­i­ty In­fras­truc­ture in African Coun­tries

Regulatory experts from Ghana, Rwanda, Senegal and South Africa and representatives from regional harmonisation initiatives visit the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut At a four-day meeting at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, representatives of the regulatory authorities in Ghana (Food and Drugs Authority, FDA), Rwanda (Food and Drugs Authority, FDA), South Africa (South African Health Products Regulatory Authority, SAHPRA) and Senegal (Agence sénégalaise de Réglementation…

Drum roll, flourish and applause calidena.ptb.de is online

Calidena is an artificial word made up of two Spanish words. The word for quality ‘calidad’ and the word for chain, ‘cadena’. Reinhard Schiel invented it many years ago to create a term for a comprehensive system for analysing and improving value chains, mostly in the agricultural sector. Calidena has become a word of normal…

Two Online Workshops on Measurement Challenges

Thursday, 4 November 2021 | 10:00 – 15:45 hrs | SARS-CoV-2 and Future Pandemics Lecturers: Stakeholders and Representatives from NMIs / DIs Institute: European Metrology Network on Traceability in Laboratory Medicine | Technical Committee for Metrology in Chemistry Place: MS Teams, link after registration: https://www.euramet.org/european-metrology-networks/laboratory-medicine/registration-tlm-mc/?L=0 The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 posed significant challenges for healthcare systems around…

Food for the European Union Market

In June, a seminar on export quality management of honey and dried fruits was held in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, in English and Russian. We organised the workshop together with the Ministry of Investment of the Kyrgyz Republic, MinInvest, as well as with international experts from the International Trade Center, ITC and Globally Cool, a consulting firm…

Uzbekistan: National Institute of Metrology accredited

The calibration laboratory of the Uzbek National Institute of Metrology, UzNIM for the calibration of the measurands mass, pressure and temperature has been accredited according to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 by the Turkish Accreditation Agency, TÜRKAK. PTB, together with its experts in the project ‘Strengthening Quality Infrastructure in the Countries of Central Asia’, supported…

But who assesses the assessor?

A bad night’s sleep, stress, a sudden change in the weather – all of these things may cause a headache. Now, many people take painkillers to get rid of a headache quickly. But who guarantees that this will really help and that it will not harm your health? Testing laboratories do by subjecting the medicine…

Infrared thermometers — non-contact temperature measurement

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, infrared thermometers have been in high demand throughout the world. These thermometers allow a person’s temperature to be taken contact-free and can provide an initial indication of whether they may have a COVID-19 infection. This is essential especially in places with a high concentration of people such as…

Blue face masks and a FFP-2-mask on a dark blue ground.

Saving lives by detecting unsafe protective masks

Among the many challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic is the question of ensuring the quantity and at the same time the quality of protective masks, which are one among many types of protective equipment currently flooding the markets. The PTB Regional Consultancy Fund Quality Infrastructure (SEE QI Fund) responded to a spontaneous request from…

Sonnenbeschienene Waldszenerie

Obituary – Philippe Dengler

On 3 July in Ghent, Belgium, our esteemed colleague Philippe Dengler passed away following a severe illness. For many years, Philippe Dengler supported our work in North and sub-Saharan Africa as well as in Southeast Asia as an expert working intermittently and on a short-term basis. Of German heritage and born in Nancy, France, he…